Make Bad Cookies, 2016-N
16 5月 2019
Make Bad Cookies-Plague@Meditations in an Emergency, UCCA, Beijing, China, 2020
Make Bad Cookies-Plague@Meditations in an Emergency, UCCA, Beijing, China, 2020
Make Bad Cookies-Plague@Meditations in an Emergency, UCCA, Beijing, China, 2020
Make bad cookies, computers, program and mediator, 2016-N
Make Bad Cookies-eSports@ Infinite Games,HOW Art Museum,Wenzhou, China, 2019
Make Bad Cookies-eSports@ Infinite Games,HOW Art Museum,Wenzhou, China, 2019
Make Bad Cookies-Anti terrorism@Now is the time,Wuzhen Contemporary Art,Wuzhen, China, 2019
Make Bad Cookies-Anti terrorism@COSMOPOLIS #1.5:Enlarged Intelligence,Centre Pompidou, Chengdu, China, 2018
Make Bad Cookies-Prosthesis@Digital Samplers,The Galaxy Museum of Contemporary Art,Chongqing, China, 2017
Make Bad Cookies-Prosthesis@A Better Version of You, Art Sonje Center, Seoul, Korea, 2017

Make Bad Cookies

The current data ethic holds that all the data generated by the human being are real and used to control the society. Payne Zhu made a program that automatically produced the data needed by the user 24 hours a day. This “bad cookies” is not due to user behavior and it increase another possibility of network behavior.

How to produce bad cookies? Payne Zhu has created a program that imitate the user’s browsing behaviors to automatically browse those data the user wants. This program can automatically and uninterruptedly produce data for you 24 hours that you don’t actually click and browse, that is, bad cookies, and contribute these bad cookies to those network companies.



如何生产出坏数据?佩恩恩制作了一个程序,这个程序可以按照用户的指令,模仿人类的浏览行为自动浏览用户想要浏览的数据。这个程序可以在你的指令下 24小时不间断自动为你生产-并非你实际点击与浏览的-不真实的数据,也就是坏数据bad cookies,并且把这些坏的小甜品,贡献给那些网络公司。

What is cookies?

Cookies is data that some websites store on the users’ local terminal in order to identify the users and track them. Cookies has another meaning, biscuit.

 These companies that track user identity and their every click will recommend you ads, information etc. based on your preferences. These websites recognize that those cookies you make as a user are real. It is just like the delicious cookies/biscuits you acquire every time you offer the unpaid labor to contribute to the website. 

Bad Cookies

So what is bad cookies? These are unreal, false, and not generated according to their actual needs.

How to produce bad cookies? The artist Payne Zhu has created a program that imitate the user’s browsing behaviors to automatically browse those data the user wants. This program can automatically and uninterruptedly produce data for you 24 hours that you don’t actually click and browse, that is, bad cookies, and contribute these bad biscuit(cookies) to those network companies.

Not only that, but this program will also use the big data from the network company according to your instructions, and randomly browse the pages recommended by them (such as Baidu) for you. This related search page is based on previous user’s searching results by these web companies (such as Baidu). Therefore, users can backtrack the key information of the recommended page by the website. You can interpret it as the anti-detection behavior of individuals’ data in these large companies’ system.

for example,Payne uses the prosthesis as an instruction. The bad cookies program browses all the pages related to the prosthesis and also browses the relevant pages recommended by Baidu, and backtracks the key information of those pages recommended by Baidu’s big data system.

1.Prosthesis-Augmentation-Silica-Augmentation Mammaplasty-Plastic Surgery Hospital

2.Prosthesis-Rehabilitation-Mechanical Beauty-Doll-Inflatable doll. 

So, what can you do with this plugin?

1. You can use it to cover the data you have viewed yourself to protect your privacy.

2. You can use it to search for content that you are interested in. Its sequential browsing + overflow behavior can produce a customized mind map for you.

3. It can be used as an “automatic curator.” After your instruction, it will automatically perform and plan a webpage exhibition for you.

4. It can be used as a game cheater, producing a little bubble for this game where everyone participates in data production.

Of course, you can create more ways by yourself, and flirt with your data…

什么是cookies ?

Cookies,指某些网站为了辨别用户身份、进行跟踪而储存在用户本地终端上的数据。你也可以理解它是你浏览器中带有用户身份的缓存。Cookies 同时也是小饼干小曲奇的意思。

这些追踪用户身份及浏览痕迹的公司会根据你的用户偏好给你推送匹配你喜好的广告、推送等讯息。 这些网站默认,你作为用户产生的cookies是真实的,也就好比你的每一次劳动贡献给他们免费的小甜品(cookies)是干净可口的。当然,你的每一次点击与浏览其实也是你的个人劳动。

Bad Cookies

那什么是坏数据 Bad cookies? 就是那些 不真实的、虚假的、并非按照自己的实际需求而产生的数据。

如何生产出坏数据? 艺术家佩恩恩制作了一个程序,这个程序可以按照用户的指令,模仿人类的浏览行为自动浏览用户想要浏览数据。这个程序就可以在你的指令下 24小时不间断自动为你生产 并非你实际点击与浏览的 不真实的数据,也就是坏数据bad cookies,并且把这些坏的小甜品,贡献给那些网络公司。


例如,以 假肢 作为指令,坏数据程序在浏览了所有和假肢有关的页面同时还浏览了百度推荐的相关页面,并反向追踪记录了百度的大数据推荐的页面关键信息。




  1. 1.你可以利用它来掩护你自己浏览过的数据,从而保护隐私。
  2. 2.你可以利用它高强度搜索你感兴趣的内容,它的顺序浏览+溢出行为可以为你生产一张定制的数据脑图。
  3. 3.你可以把它当成一个“全自动策展人”,一个指令之后,它就自动表演,为你策划一场网页展览。
  4. 4.你可以把它当成一个游戏外挂,在这个全民参与生产数据的游戏中,为它生产一点泡沫。
