前匹配 | Pre-match 2022
18 5月 2022
single-channel HD video, B/W, sound , 10’37’’, 2022

As an attempt to probe into how Shanghai took shape, PREMATCH casts light on the competing histories of the rivers originating from Lake Taihu on the one hand; and on the other, the evolution of monetary regulation, which has taken the place of hydraulic engineering and become a major governance device in modern society. Today many road names and landmarks in Shanghai are still reminiscent of the once developed river network despite that many of those river mouths, rivulets, ditches, pools, lakes, river bends and confluences no longer exist. The process of so-called “Huangpu replacing Wusong”, referring to the fact that the once inferior Huangpu River took the place of Wusong River (Suzhou Creek) as the most important river in Shanghai, laid the foundation for Shanghai to emerge as the only core on the Taihu Plain. Intriguingly, monetary regulation in the metaphorical sense seems to have become the water system of the modern times. The increase or decrease in its liquidity and growth rate touches the very nerves of the city. In Flowers of Shanghai, director Hou Hsiao-Hsien managed to visually revive the sense of ghostliness embedded in the original novel, The Sing-song Girls from Shanghai, by playing with kerosene lamp and flickering rays of light. Payne Zhu attempts to recapture the ghostly visual effects in Hou’s film through the infrared light from night vision cameras. And in the meantime, he also endeavors to touch upon the financial elements looming in the novel but left out in the film to reconstruct a contemporary version of the “flowers of Shanghai”. 

单频黑白有声高清影像 , 10’37’’, 2022
